**Welcome to G2 Gymnastics! It is an honor to work with your child. You will not be disappointed in the program you have enrolled in. Our staff genuinely cares for each child and is passionate to help them reach their goals while having fun!!!

SESSIONS (3-5 weeks as scheduled)

Four or five week sessions will run year round with occasional breaks for holidays and shut downs. You will be notified through registration and email of breaks or changes in the schedule. You must pre-register on online before the start of each new session.

*If you are unable to commit to a full session, Drop-In classes are available at a daily rate, if there is space available in the class.

Academic Session: September – May
Summer Session: July – August


Communication will be provided via email. Please be very careful and make sure you are providing a valid email. Errors in the email address will result in missed information. Please also be sure you are receiving our communication in your inbox and not your spam, junk, or promotions folder. Please add g2gymandfitness@gmail.com to your address book to avoid this. Please follow us on Facebook for various updates.

We use an app called SPOND to provide important information to our customers such as class changes or cancelations. This is not an open communication app and we request that you please contact us via email with any questions or absent notifications.


Session payments are due on the first day of each new session. We prefer payment in the form cash or check. We do accept credit cards though there is an additional fee (3.5%). Please plan accordingly as payments must be received prior to participation. If another adult is transporting your child, please be sure they come prepared with the correct payment. There are no refunds or pro-rates for missed classes as you are reserving your child’s spot for the full session, regardless of your attendance, much like a monthly gym membership.

Checks can be made out to “G2 Gymnastics.”

Returned Check Fees – If a check is returned, full payment must be resubmitted the following class along with a $30 bank chargeback fee. This must be submitted prior participation of the next class. If more than 2 checks are returned, only cash payments will be accepted.


ONLINE: You must pre-register online at www.g2gym.com. Register online ASAP to reserve your child’s spot as classes fill quickly. Classes will close when full. If you were unable to secure a spot in time, please email us or register for our waiting list and we will contact you when we have a space available.

FORMS: A parent or legal guardian must sign liability waivers prior to participation. This cannot be completed by any other adult, including grandparents, family members, or friends. Please plan accordingly, if you are unable to transport your child to their first class, please contact us and we can email you the forms to have filled out in advance. Your child cannot participate without signed liability forms. Once signed, they are good for the year, through August 31st.

24-25 Liability Waiver


Please practice good hygiene such as handwashing, using hand sanitizer, and staying home if feeling under the weather.

If you or your child have ANY symptoms listed below, please do not attend. We have the right to turn away any participant or spectator that presents with cold/flu like symptoms.

*nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
*temperature over 100.1
*sore throat
*congestion/runny nose
*loss of taste or smell
*shortness of breath


Please contact us if you are unable to attend class 24 hours prior to your scheduled class if possible. You may notify us through email or our Facebook page.

Entrance is on the left side of the building. Please do not arrive more than 5 minutes prior to the start of class to limit crowding in the lobby. You must remain with your child until the start of class and re-enter the building to pick your child up from class.


Make-ups are not typically available, however, we will allow it if there is space in the other class and must be approved and scheduled via email at least 48 hours in advance.


Tuition pays for your child’s spot in class regardless of attendance. There will be no refunds given for gym closings including holidays and inclement weather.


Cancellations of classes/programs are not based on school weather closings as we have multiple school districts from PA and NY that attend our facility. If we decide to cancel/close, we will post an update on Facebook and email registered participants. Please be sure you are receiving our communication and it is not going to your spam, junk, or promotions folder. There will be no refunds or make ups issued for classes missed due to inclement weather closings, though we will try to reschedule the cancelled class.


We are happy to provide a tuition discount of $5.00 off each session for additional children in your family living in the same household. No discounts will be available for Drop-In classes.


Please do not enter the building more than 5 minutes prior to your child’s scheduled class. We are a very small facility with back to back classes with full enrollment. This can cause congestion during transitions and in our parking lot. The check in process is quick and does not require you to come early.


All students will participate barefoot.

Girls – Leotard is preferred. (we have leotards for sale in our lobby). They can also wear spandex or tight-fitting shorts. Spandex shorts, leggings, and a t-shirt for Preschool-Intermediate levels are permitted.

*Leotards are mandatory for girls in the Advanced – Competitive level due to safety on the equipment.

Boys & Ninja – T-shirt and shorts/sweatpants.


loose garments, jeans, or revealing clothing of any kind. No jewelry except for one set of post earrings in the lower lobe. Hair must be pulled tightly away from the face. No gum or activity watches.

**No bare midriffs

**No wrestling singlets


Parents are able to sit in our lobby. For the safety of your children and for insurance reasons, anyone (including siblings) not participating in a class MUST remain in the designated seating area and are not permitted into the gym area. There is a doorway to look through though please do not stand in front of the door the entire time, allowing other parents to view as well. Pictures and videos are permitted though you may not use any flashes or lights for safety purposes.


We offer classes to children ages 3 years through adult.

GYMNASTICS: Children may enter our Preschool Gymnastics class after their 3rd birthday. This class is for ages 3-5 years old. This program is based on age along with physical and social development.

Children may enter our Developmental Program at the Beginner level after their 5th birthday. There is an age overlap in the Preschool and Developmental program as not every child is physically/socially ready for the structure of the Developmental Program.

The Developmental Program consists of the Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Pre-Team levels. These are fully based on safety, skill mastery, and ability to follow direct instruction. Students are evaluated at the end of each session to maintain appropriate placement.

*ALL new G2 Gymnastics students should start at the Beginner level. Your child may enter the Intermediate level or higher ONLY if they have been evaluated and recommended by a G2 Staff Member. This includes those that have transferred from another gymnastics, dance, or cheer program. Each program has different skill requirements for each level. The G2 coaching staff will recommend a change in placement after the first class, if necessary. If your child does come from another program, you may contact us and set up an evaluation prior to registration.


Open Gym is an additional program available for anyone age 7 through adult, or minimum of Intermediate level if younger. This provides additional opportunity to work on the equipment. It is not a structured class though allows extra practice at the gymnast’s discretion, within their ability. No horseplay or unsafe attempts will be permitted.

Open Gym is offered on Friday evenings as the schedule allows. Open Gym opportunities will be announced on our Facebook Page. We must have a liability waiver on file from a legal parent/guardian for any participant whether is a G2 member or visitor.

$7 for enrolled students, $12 for all others


Here at G2 Gymnastics & Fitness we focus first and foremost on teaching life skills through the programs we provide. This includes following directions, goal setting, work ethic, respect, sportsmanship, and kindness while having fun.

Like any sport, there are risks involved, therefore we must maintain structure within our classes and ensure that all participants are safe. Students will learn to follow instruction directly and indirectly, respect the coaches, equipment, facility, and other participants. Back talk, defiance, horseplay, violence, etc. will not be tolerated. Discipline will be age appropriate however, students that are unable to follow the rules, may be asked to sit out. If negative behavior continues or safety of the class students has been compromised, we may ask you to remove your child from class or program depending on the severity.

We also expect and require all adults to support and respect all gym policies. These policies serve to guide not only the parent but the gymnast as well. Remember, you serve as a role model and example both in and out of the G2 facility. There is a zero-tolerance policy for disrespectful communication (verbal, email, messenger, social media) of any kind. Communication or actions that are attacking, demeaning, or condescending will not be tolerated and your child’s participation may be revoked without refund depending on the number of occurrences and/or severity.

We thank you for your cooperation to help us provide and maintain the quality program that you have chosen to enroll your child into.


For safety reasons, students are not allowed on the floor or equipment before or after class. When class is over, the students must leave the training area promptly.

Parents may observe their child in class but MUST stay in the viewing area. Our insurance does not allow parents and non-registered students in the training area. No parents or non-participants are allowed on the floor. Please keep your other children in the lobby area. G2 Gymnastics accepts no responsibility and liability for accidents or injuries which occur to anyone not enrolled in classes at the gym.

No food or drinks other than water are allowed in the gym. Participants must bring a filled water bottle though there is a water cooler available for refills. No sports drinks or juices permitted.

Communicating with students should be avoided during class to maintain attention, safety, and avoid distraction.

You are responsible for dropping off and picking up your student on time, as there is no supervision before or after the end of the class.

Students must be toilet trained before entering our program. Preschool students along with those that cannot use the restroom independently will need to be escorted by a guardian. The G2 staff is not permitted to assist your child in the restroom for any reason.

We are not equipped to supervise children before or after class. Please remain in the facility with your child until your child’s class begins and be prompt at pick up.

You must re-enter the building to pick up your child. Children are not permitted leave the building without a parent or transporting adult. The will be required to wait in the facility.  Please notify any transporting adults of our policies.

Housekeeping request: Please help clean up after your gymnast or young children prior to leaving the facility: toys, cups, water bottles, markers, clothes, etc. Thank you for your cooperation in this.

There is no smoking permitted on the G2 Gymnastics & Fitness premises. This includes the parking lot.

Please abide by these guidelines as it is a safety risk for you, your children, the participants, and the facility alike. Please forward our guidelines to any transporting adults.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our policies, please contact us via email at g2gymandfitness@gmail.com